Growth Advisory Services
Investeurs has developed “Growth Advisory Services”, with the objective of aligning its Financial and Banking advisory strength with company’s growth plans and objectives. Investeurs has developed the service module to match the apt Fund raising for the company, in alignment of the Growth year on year basis. We have years of practical experience of witnessing growth of varied companies across various sectors and have been part of various corporates’ growth journey. We have closely tracked their decisions, especially in regard to financial inclusion. We participate in the growth of the company, by way of gliding the company through different phases of their growth.
As the horizon of financial compliances is increasing, we want to bring forth our Financial and Banking knowledge with focus to align the Growth with its financial strength on the lines of “Banking, Funding, Balance sheet and Financial compliances”.

How and what would Investeurs do for You:
Investeurs’ Growth Advisory practice comes in force to support the company in its Growth plans, backed by Promoter’s Vision to grow the company. We come with enforcement of “Right Planning and Support” in the following manner:
- Vetting the company’s Business objectives, from the financial perspective
- Building Financial model / Objective, based on Promoter’s vision and facts of the industry
- Creating right size of Funding, YoY basis, based on Cash flow cycle and financial strength of the company
- Monthly monitoring of financial performance
- Quarterly meetings with the Management to overlook the Growth / Results, as per the Plans created
- Advisory on Balance Sheet finalization from the presentation perspective, keeping in view the factors like Taxation, strengthening of the company’s Net Worth, Debt Funding
- Monitoring Y-o-Y growth of the company each year and to bring in corrective action, if any, and-/-or change the financial dosages by way of solutions, products, banks, as per the present situation
- Rating Assessment from the Credit Rating agency
- Investment Decisions – Building up the Assets / Investments for building the Collaterals, for future rise in requirement of the Funding from the Bank
- Tapping various sources of Funds – Debt / Equity instruments at the right opportune time, as per Company’s strength – Business and Financial
Scope of Services:
The Growth Advisory services would be in the following manner:

- Understanding and Capitalizing on Promoter’s Vision: We initiate our Advisory, based on our understanding of Promoter’s vision – short-term and long-term business objectives in terms of company’s Positioning, Turnover, Profitability, Brand recognition, Market Share, etc. We provide our input based on our relevant industry experience which we have developed while working with varied businesses of various sizes.
- Financial Advisory: Based on the objectives and positioning of the company, we assist the management in setting up financial targets and accordingly, keep a close tab on the performance on a monthly / quarterly basis. Based on the targeted top-line-cum-bottom-line, we set optimum Fund Raising targets, to keep the right balance between leveraging and impact on performance, owing to inadequate funding support. We suggest most optimum financial instruments to keep the costing at the lowest possible level, based on the nature of business, example, tapping PCFC for exports, converting max funding at Libor/Sofr rates in the case of imports, etc. We understand that every transaction is unique in itself and accordingly suggest structures and combinations, based on our experience of working with various Banks / Institutions.
We build the Information document, Financial Projections, CMA presentation and analysis, preparation of project reports for banks/FIs/ Funds.
- Balance Sheet Advisory: We participate in Balance Sheet finalization, to provide our views to the management, keeping in mind the 360-degree view, from taxation to building Net Worth of the company to raising funds based on healthy results and reaching milestone on a yearly basis in alignment with short-term and long-term objectives
- Maintaining Healthy Banking Relation: We provide unsolicited Corporate advice which serves as an effective tool to maintain long-term cordial relationship between banks and clients. This includes ensuring adherence to the quarterly/ semi-annually requirements of the bank and keeping track of all term loan repayments, drawing of working capital limits and LC payments. We act as an Internal Audit team, and provide advices, solutions, on a continuous basis, as and when required.
- Tapping Equity Funds: Based on the positioning of the company, Business opportunity and Promoter’s thought / vision, we assist the company in tapping the Equity funds.
- Credit Rating Advisory: We assist in selecting the right Credit Rating agency and assist in right presentation, as per the strengths of the company. Our focus would be on assignment of the well-deserved Credit rating, as per the company’s strength.
Additional Services:
- Round the Year Financial Assistance: We act as Financial Consultants of the client, providing round-the-year financial assistance to help management take financial decisions, viz. capital investment decisions, working capital management and alike which eventually lead to reduced borrowing cost and hence enhancing the bottom line
- Performance Check: In our monthly / quarterly meetings with the client, we review and evaluate segment-wise performance of client in accordance with the parameters such as turnover, profitability, cash management, drawing power (DP).
- Focus on Core Business: We focus on advising and providing financial solutions with client’s able support, while client can maintain its focus on core business and enhance business and revenue earning opportunities. This optimizes the business performance.

Investeur’s Advantage
- Investeurs has been operating from over 29 years and has serviced over 700 corporates, from SMEs to Mid-size to Large-size coprorates.
- Investeurs’ experience of working with various set of Bankers at various structures comes in handy for the selection of right Bank, right structure and right division of the Bank. We have built a healthy network of our Banking partners, with whom we have witnessed the growth of the company with right Advice at the right time.
- Investeurs has the real-time practical experience on multiple products – Trade Financing – LC & non-LC backed, WC fund raising, Bank appraisals, Term Lending.
- Investeurs has a Team of over 50 members, with 20 members being in the company for over 10 years.